Best and Worst Times to Buy a New Car

It is not just enough to identify the dream car and save towards it. It is also necessary that you time your purchase appropriately. This is to save greatly on the purchase price and to also take advantage of some available offers.

We are quite experienced in this and that is why we decided to write this so you can be more knowledgeable in this area too. We are going to highlight and examine in detail the best and the worst times to buy a car.

The following are the best times to buy a car:

1. End of Months and Years

All factors considered, the ends of the months are by far the most suitable for buying a new car. Study upon study have deduced that buying a car on the 30th or 31st of each month and the ends of the years such as 12/29, 12/30, and 12/31 are the best times. Buying a car at such times can save you a whopping 8.5% or more. You should, therefore, strive to time your purchase to coincide with these timings as closely as possible.

2. Special Holidays and Special Times

Other than end of months, special holidays and other special times also offer good opportunities for the purchase of a new car. These include the first of January, Halloween, Memorial Day, Back-to-school times, Labor Day, and Trade shows. This is mainly because most consumers worry about the gifts they give at such times. Cars are never in their minds. According to the rules of Economics, the prices of cars fall at such times owing to limited demand.

3. Just when an existing model is rendered obsolete

At those times when an existing model is rendered obsolete are also another perfect time to buy. This is because auto dealers will often want to dispose of their stock to create room for newer versions. So, they will often lower their prices in such a manner as to recoup their capital. Profit is never in their minds at such times. You are more-than-likely to spend less when buying a car of this kind.

Also, when a new car model hits the market, it is a good time to buy an older or existing model. The same case should also apply when a competitor has a new car on the market.

4. Car Dealer with Less Business

Not all car dealers are the same. Different dealers have different numbers of clients. Some have a higher client base mainly because of having been in business for so long. Others have fewer clients for the opposite reason: having been operational for a short duration of time.

According to the laws of demand and supply, higher demand translates into higher prices and similarly, lower demand translates into lower prices. It, therefore, follows that dealers with more business will usually charge more for the same make of car than those with less business.

To save yourself a great deal of money, you are advised to opt for the dealers with less business. They are mainly new entrants into the field of car sales. They are also found mainly in the rural areas or suburbs where demand for cars is comparatively low.

5. Low Seasons

Every item has its life cycle. There are moments of peak sales and moments of low sales. It is also necessary to factor such times while shopping for a new car. Generally speaking, December, May, June, September, and October respectively experience the lowest demands for cars. This is because it is at these times car dealers have less business and car orders. You will spend comparatively less on buying a new car at such times than at any other time.

The following are the worst times to buy a car:

1. When a New Model is released

The worst time ever to buy a new car is when a new model is officially released into the market. You are, as a matter of fact, advised to wait for at least 2 months after a release before placing an order. This is for the sheer reason that newer models are in high demand. They are, therefore, priced more expensively than their subsequent versions. Moreover, they are not properly tested for road use and may possibly let you down once in a while.

2. Before the Onset of summer

Summer is undoubtedly the peak driving season. The weather and the visibility on roads are both at their peaks. Most people also spend much of their time outdoors as opposed to spring and winter. Because of these facts, the time just before summer begins experience the highest car sales. If you opt to buy a new car at such a time, you will definitely pay a huge fee as opposed to other times of the year. Buy your car earlier or later than summer.

3. After a Credit Inquest

In case you intend to purchase a new car on hire purchase or on credit, don't do so immediately after a credit inquest. All dealers are by law required to screen their buyers to ascertain their credit worthiness before agreeing to lend to sell them cars on credit. In cases where they discover that you have been through an inquiry, they will levy higher interests due to the risks involved. That is why you have to wait until you have a favorable rating before embarking on a purchase.

4. When a Particular Car is in High Demand

The basic laws of Economics, as has already been stated, dictate that the price of a commodity increases with demand and vice versa. You should, therefore, shy away from those cars that are hot on demand. This is because you will definitely pay a premium. Instead choose those that are not that hot as you will pay less.

5. The beginning of Months, Years, or Weekends

Most people find time to visit auto dealers at the beginnings of the month, year, or weekends. This is due to their tight work schedule during the rest of the time. These peaks in visits to auto dealers create an artificially high demand which results in an artificial increase in price by the auto dealers. You are, therefore, advised against timing your purchase to coincide with these times.

We could go on and on and on if it were possible. However, the limited time and space at our disposal have only enabled us to discuss these few points. We do hope, though, that you have found our explanations satisfactory, insightful, and eye-opening. We now urge you to embark on finding your next car cautiously and using our parameters above as your guide. All the best in your search for your next car!

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5 Tips to Take Care of Your Newly Replaced Windshield

Have you just had your windshield replaced? If so, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to share with you a couple of tips that will help you take care of your newly replaced windshield. With these tips on your mind, you can prevent further damage and save a lot of money. Without further ado, let's take a look at 5 of the tips that you may want to consider. Read on to find out more.

Be Gentle

After you have got your windshield replaced, make sure you get at least 60 minutes before taking your car outside on the road. The thing is that the adhesive requires at least a couple of minutes to get hard and set. If you don't give it enough time to settle down, the windshield won't be able to fit firmly into the frame. And this can be disastrous and can have a negative impact on the structural integrity of your car.

Apart from this, it can cost you a good deal of money as you will have to spend more money to reinstall the glass. For the next 24 hours, you should be very gentle with your vehicle. In other words, you should shut the doors of your car gently and drive it on even roads.

Keep the Retention Tape in place

Although removing the retention tape won't make your car look ugly, it plays a great role in fixing the position of the molding in addition to keeping the glass in place. Therefore, you may want to wait at least 24 to 48 hours before you drive your car just like before. Therefore, it is a good idea to leave the retention tape untouched if you want to be on the safe side.

Don't Wash Your Car

For the next 24 hours, don't think about a car wash. In fact, you don't even try to wash the car yourself. Ideally, you may want to wait for at least two to three days before you take your car for a car wash. This is of paramount importance.

Keep a Window Open

The integrity of your vehicle windshield will be negatively impacted if the air pressure inside the cabin continues to build up. Therefore, we suggest that you keep at least one window open slightly. This will allow the hot air to escape the vehicle and prevent any cracks or leaks. This step is quite important if you want to equalize the pressure inside your car.

Change Your Route

If you had to replace your car windshield due to rough roads, we suggest that you take an alternate route. In other words, you may want to drive along a different route, in addition, to park it in a shady spot.

Replacing your car windshield costs a great deal of money. Therefore, you may want to get it done by a professional and follow the steps given in this article. This will help you make sure that the windshield stays in place.

Are you looking for a windshield replacement service? If so, we suggest that you check out CPR Auto Glass Repair. They have a lot of experience in auto glass repair jobs.

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Reasons Why You Should Repair or Replace Your Windshield

From the safety point of view, the windshield on your car is one of the most important components. Therefore, it is important to make sure that your car window is in working condition. It is not a good idea to drive with the cracked or chipped windshield. After all, you don't want to risk your life or the lives of the people sitting in the back of your car.

In this article, we are going to take a look at the importance of windshield repair and replacement. Read down to know more.

A broken windshield may increase your chances of injury in case of a collision or rollover. Basically, the role of this window is to protect the driver and other passengers from dust while traveling.

While traveling, many elements such as dirt, rocks, and hail may hit your glass. If something big and hard hits your windshield, it may develop a crack. In this case, it is important that you fix the window as soon as possible. You can either fix the crack or replace the entire unit.

There are many purposes of this glass window. One of the main purposes is that they allow you to enjoy a clear view of what is ahead while you are driving. It is important for you to keep an eye on your surroundings so you can prevent accidents and drive with peace of mind.

If you have a broken or destroyed window, you may not be able to see clearly while driving. Being aware of your surroundings is of paramount importance for many reasons.

Regardless of how careful you may be, accidents may happen. The windshield should be able to absorb the impact then the airbags are released. As soon as the airbags are released, they bounce off of your car windshield in order to protect you from injury.

If the glass is not fitted properly, it may not work properly when the airbag is released. Therefore, having a properly installed windshield it is quite important. In case of a rollover, the windshield will prevent you from being thrown out of your car. In other words, this window works like a buffer to give you protection in case of an accident.

Although you may find it costly to fix chips and cracks, know that your life is much more important than the cost of windshield replacement. If you know that the glass can't be repaired, you may want to replace it as soon as possible.

Make sure that the professional who is going to replace your car windshield is experienced. Moreover, you may want to request a guarantee as well. Aside from this, make sure that the professional uses high-quality glass that is designed for the type of car you have.

In short, if you have a broken windshield, we suggest that you hire the services of a good professional to repair or replace the entire glass. Ideally, you may want to work with a professional who is qualified, trained and experienced.

For windshield repair or windshield replacement, we suggest that you contact a good professional like CPR Auto Glass.

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Basic Motorcycle Maintenance Tips for Owners

Riding motor cycle can be exhilarating. When it comes to maintenance, we all depend on repair shop, but every owner should develop a sense of confidence every time they ride with respect to basic maintenance knowledge. It is highly essential to avoid unforeseen mechanical failures. Basic technical knowhow helps keeping the motor cycle fit and running without hassle. Now, there is no need to get admitted into an automobile training school. Are you thinking of mastering your own motor cycle repair? Absolutely not required! Basic maintenance skill will help you stay independent, save time, save money and save yourself from accidents.

Change the engine oil:

Your motor cycle has an owner's manual where you can find out the frequency of engine oil change. Generally, technicians advise to change the oil after riding 2500 kilometres. Sometimes, this figure varies as per the type of oil used (mineral, semi-synthetic, fully synthetic). So you can change the oil using a wrench. It's not that difficult.

Check tire pressure:

You just need a tyre gauge to check the pressure. Generally, manufacturers recommend an ambient temperate I.e, when the tyres is cold to check pressure. Pressure recommendation vary based on specific model. These details can be found in the manual. If the pressure is low, consider filling air. If you have a personal compressor or simply a bicycle pump at home do it now.

Clean the air filter:

Whether it is a paper filter, cotton filter, or foam filter inspect the cleanliness every time you change engine oil. Remove the filter from its housing and clean it properly following manual. If it is a paper filter, you can't clean it. For satisfaction, blow air for cleaning. If it is a foam one, use air flow and in case of cotton, cleaning fluid can be used. It will help your engine get plenty of fresh air.

Check the battery:

Battery performance depends on quality and maintenance. If the battery is older than 3 years, it's time to be cautious. You must inspect and change it immediately if it doesn't keep charge. If you face dim light, problem in start, etc. check the voltage scale test using a multimeter.

Grease cables and chain:

It is very important to oil and grease cable housing, chain and some other jerk fittings. Consider greasing in points like sliding points, pivoting points and rotating points. So lubricate whenever you find these places dry.

Clean the body:

This task should be performed in a regular interval to protect the motor cycle from dirt, and to protect the original paint. Regular cleaning also helps avoid junk in iron parts and maintain a shiny look.

All the above needs a little effort to upkeep the vehicle and enjoy a worry free ride. These maintenance efforts require a little automotive technical knowledge. Once you start doing tem, everything will be easy.

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When Is a Good Time to Buy A Used Car?

Buying a car can be a tough and emotional decision. There are so many factors to consider when it comes to making such a big buying decision. When is the right time to buy a used car?

There isn't really a particularly good or bad time to buy a used car, but there are a few factors to consider when it comes to the timing of making a big purchase.

Disposable income. Your budget is a very important factor when it comes to buying a car. Consider how much disposable income you have available. In other words, how much money do you have left after all your expenses are paid? And how much money will you have left after you buy a car? If you have a set amount available for the monthly repayments of the car, then find out how much the total value of the car will be that you can afford. Stick to that total value. Rather buy a car that is below that value than one that is above it because you could find yourself in a tight position when it comes to your monthly finances.

Current car problems. Is your current car giving you more problems than usual? Are you spending a lot of money on repairs? Could you rather allocate those funds towards a reliable car? If you find yourself having to fix engine issues every month or your car is getting old and giving you a lot of problems, then you might want to consider trading it in for another one.

Family is expanding. If you currently have a small car and you are going to have another baby, then you will need to consider looking for a car that is more spacious and suitable for a family of three or four, depending on your situation. A baby may be very small but they come with so much luggage. Consider the size of the pram and the bags that you will have with you. Will everything fit in the boot?

Maintenance plan is ending soon. If you have car that currently has a maintenance plan that is coming to an end, then you might consider selling it. You can then look for a used car that is less than 2 years old which still has a maintenance and service plan in place. This gives you the peace of mind that all your services will be covered as well as any maintenance that needs to be done. With a maintenance plan you can be assured that the original parts will be used and that no shortcuts will be taken when it comes to repairing faulty parts. is an online platform to find used cars quickly and easily. It is also a reliable platform because the used cars advertised are posted by reputable car dealers. There are many quality used cars on our website and with the car dealer's direct contact details as well. There's no middle man so the process of finding and buying a car is stress-free and easy.

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Why is a Car Lease the Best Option for You?

Car leasing has been traditionally regarded as a beneficial phenomenon for reasons more than one. At the onset, if you are leasing a car instead of buying the same, you are definitely avoiding almost life-long commitment to a car with depreciating value. Add to that, you're coughing up less on maintenance and as monthly fees as well. Explored below are other reasons why leasing a car turns out to be a great option for you!

A car with "better value" guaranteed!

When compared to buying, leasing remains a more fruitful option because inevitably you are paying for the depreciation of the car during the lease period only. Since you don't own it you are not really committing to the car's value for a longer time. Your monthly payments, as a result, are lower than other forms of finance. This, in turn, leaves you with the option to secure a more desirable make or trim. You are basically driving the car mostly during its trouble-free years.

Latest Technology

As someone leasing a new car you are actually enjoying access to the latest technology backing cars. MirrorLink, for instance, remains one of the popular additions in the line-up modern techniques. It syncs your smartphone screen with that of your car's for improved night vision. Then there is Autonomous Emergency Braking which minimizes the risk of crashes.

Down Payment is not always Mandatory!

If you are leasing a car, you do have the option of not shelling out down payment. However, you need to make the first month's payment along with the registration fees and official tag. In this regard, it must be mentioned that there might as well be some car lease promotional deals that require you to cough up the down payment.

What are the Big Ticket Monitoring Costs: How can you Avoid them?

The big-ticket monitoring costs can be duly avoided as well. Since you are driving the car in its trouble-free years, you will not really be required to replace the aircon units or for that matter the timing belts. What more? You might not as well require batteries as well!

Are manufacturer's warranties covered?

If you are prudent enough to lease for a term which is almost similar to the manufacturer's warranty coverage, you will actually have your car repairs covered. Depending on the terms of the lease you might as well find some companies offering you free scheduled maintenance services.

Find the easy way to leasing your next vehicle. The car dealers at Capital Motor Cars will make sure that you get the best car lease deal without any hassle.

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7 Ways You Are Destroying Your Car

Your car is one of your most valuable assets. It takes you to and from the places that make you money, pay your bills, feed your family, and more. For this reason, you should be taking extra care of your vehicle if you want it to last a long time. There are many ways you can damage your vehicle, so it is important that you develop good car care practices early on in your driving career.

Many drivers have developed habits that they think are helpful, but actually do more harm. Continue reading to learn the top 7 ways you are ruining your vehicle without even knowing it, and what you can do if it is no longer suited for the road.

1. Revving the Gas

Many drivers believe they can warm the engine up faster by revving the gas pedal over and over again, but this is not good for your vehicle because it leads to engine damage. If it is cold outside, it is best to allow your vehicle's inner fluids to warm up; but revving the engine is not the right way to do it.

2. Riding the Brakes

Many people also have a habit of "riding the brakes", which basically means slightly adding pressure on the brake pedal while driving so that they can stop instantly at any time. This practice, often executed on downward hills, is highly damaging to a vehicle's overall braking system. Driving at lower speeds will help eliminate the urge to keep your foot on the brake petal at all times.

3. Failing to Decelerate at Bumps and Potholes

Speed bumps, potholes, and other surface blemishes can be highly destructive to a vehicle's suspension and undercarriage parts if you fail to significantly reduce your speed while passing over them. In fact, potholes should be avoided at all costs. Speed bumps should be driven over, cautiously and slowly.

4. Habitually Driving With Low Fuel

Gas prices are certainly a bummer, but you do not want to drive around with $10 in your tank at all times. Be sure to always fuel up all the way at every fill-up in order to prevent forcing your vehicle to use the old, mucky fuel at the bottom of the fuel tank at some point in time. This will lead to engine damages and clogged filters.

5. Suddenly Starting and Stopping

Whether in rush hour traffic or in a big hurry to not be late to work, you do not want to resort to sudden stopping and starting, over and over again. This habit of driving puts a lot of pressure on the internal workings of the braking system and rotors, and significantly increase fuel consumption.

6. Driving With Improperly Inflated Tires

Proper tire inflation is heavily significant to the overall safety and performance of a vehicle. Not only are improperly inflated tires unsafe, they will eventually cause other damages to a car. Be sure your tires are not over or under-inflated by checking the levels regularly with a manual tire pressure gauge.

7. Neglecting Regular Scheduled Maintenance

Routine car maintenance, such as inspections and fluid chances, are imperative for vehicle safety, performance, and longevity. Be sure to have your car serviced according to the instructions in the owners' manual if you want to avoid unsafe driving conditions and repeated repair costs.

Is Your Car Done For?

If you are guilty at damaging your vehicle beyond the possibility of repair, you still can bring home a profit to use toward a new vehicle. Simply sell your junked car for cash on the spot at any local junk cat buyer! Regardless of age, make, model, or condition, a professional junk car buying company will pay you cash for the recyclable scrap metal inside your vehicle.

Call GC's Junk Cars at 317-608-2188 to sell a junk car in Indianapolis. They offer free towing with their in-house tow truck, so all you have to do is call and accept their offer! Request a free estimate, today.

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Best and Worst Times to Buy a New Car

It is not just enough to identify the dream car and save towards it. It is also necessary that you time your purchase appropriately. This is...


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